Is It A UTI or Prostatitis?
There is some confusion about what may be causing inflammation, pain, and urination problems in men. Two conditions are the most likely causes: a urinary tract infection (UTI) and prostatitis. Both result from bacteria [...]
Clearing Up UTIs – The Ten Facts You Need
Now, all the facts you need to understand and successfully clear up your chronic UTI are here in one place. Fact 1: One out of every two women in menopause will have chronic UTIs. [...]
The Difference Between UTI and OAB?
Menopause seems to be the culprit behind several types of middle-aged female misery. Overactive Bladder (OAB) During menopause, a woman's body undergoes a significant decrease in hormone production, which can lead to several effects [...]
Menopause And Chronic UTIs
One out of every two women in menopause is living with chronic UTI's. A chronic UTI is defined as 3+ UTIs in a single year. According to a 2019 study in the Journal of [...]
D-Mannose: Why It’s The Future For UTI Treatment
D-Mannose, a natural supplement, is now the safest, most effective way to stop recurring UTIs according to two recently published articles from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) database. In simple English, here is [...]
Doctors Now Recommending D-Mannose For UTIs
Patients Have Been Frustrated With Recurring UTIs The staff at Understanding UTIs talk to hundreds of women and men with UTIs every day. People often cannot understand why their infections keep coming back after [...]
Kids Are Stepping In To Manage UTIs For Aging Parents
Delirium, Often Mistaken For Dementia, Is Caused By UTIs in Seniors Everyone has a story about a grandparent or parent who suddenly started acting strangely—seeing bugs on the wall, talking gibberish, or acting out [...]
Seniors Are At Risk of Dementia-Like Symptoms Known as Delirium From Undetected UTIs
Seniors are more vulnerable to UTIs and do not have typical symptoms. Women and men over age 75 are more susceptible to UTIs due to a weakened immune system. Many may not exhibit the [...]
It Feels Like A UTI, But Isn’t
Many people have the tell-tale symptoms of a UTI—an awful burning sensation and the pressure to run to the bathroom frequently. Then they go to the doctor and have a dipstick test in the [...]
Natural Relief For Men With UTIs Caused By BPH
BPH - An All-Too-Common Problem In Men In all likelihood, you know a man who is having trouble with recurring UTIs. 70% of men over the age of 60 have an enlarged prostate, a [...]
There’s No Such Thing As A “Simple” UTI Anymore
The Evolution of UTI's: Why They're So Hard to Manage Remember when you saw the doctor, a urine culture confirmed a UTI, and you left with a prescription that completely cured your infection? Those [...]
Stop UTI’s By Managing Your pH Levels With Diet
In 2015, an article in Urology Times showed that managing pH levels in urine is an important step in controlling UTIs. It specifically said this: “changing pH by itself promoted or inhibited bacterial growth [...]
Which Antibiotics Still Work For UTIs and Which Don’t
Antibiotics Resistance Has Now Become A Crisis Antibiotics are becoming less effective in treating UTIs, a fact you probably know by now. Previously, one course of antibiotics taken over a week would stop these [...]
Antibiotics and Hiprex: The Best Treatment For Chronic UTIs?
Recently, there's been a lot of positive buzz in UTI support groups about a new treatment called "Hiprex." This medication is helping women recover from long-term UTIs. It’s important to know exactly how this [...]
The Triple Play: A Natural Way To Combat Chronic UTIs
Chronic UTIs Are Becoming Endemic As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to certain health issues, and urinary tract infections (UTIs) are no exception. A recent national survey showed that 20 million women [...]
Scientists Discover New UTI Strain To Watch Out For
Reports Show This Strain of E. Coli Is Increasing Rapidly Scientists discover new UTI strain to watch out for. The past year, we've observed that the “simple” E. Coli bacterial infection, which represents 80% of [...]
The Six Stages of Urinary Tract Infections
Understanding Urinary Tract Infections Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are becoming increasingly complex to diagnose and treat due to evolving bacteria. Today, we will discuss the six stages of urinary tract infections. The First Three [...]
New Biomedical Report Confirms D-Mannose Safe For Long-Term Use
US Medical Publications Need Better Research On D-Mannose Insufficient Focus on Dietary Supplements Is D-mannose safe for long-term use? Authors of articles in US medical publications often overlook the science and safety of dietary [...]
Know What You’re Taking and Why You’re Taking It – Antibiotics
Long-Term Antibiotics for Chronic UTIs: A Comprehensive Guide The other day, I spoke with an elderly woman whose doctor had prescribed taking long-term antibiotics for her chronic UTI. She expressed her frustration, saying, “I [...]
Know What You’re Taking and Why You’re Taking It – Natural Supplements
Antibiotics for UTIs: Natural Alternatives Fustrated by the lack of success with antibiotics for UTIs, many people are now searching for natural UTI treatments instead of antibiotics. Consequently, they encounter a bewildering array of [...]
Testing For UTIs: What’s The Latest News?
The evolution of UTI testing continues, with mixed results. There are currently three types of tests available. I. Dipstick Tests Which Identify If UTI Bacteria Are Present New three-test strips are now available which [...]
New FDA Warning About Certain Antibiotics
On July 15th, the FDA issued a warning that some antibiotics, Cipro being an example, should not be prescribed for urinary tract infections unless there are no other options. The FDA’s new “black box” warnings [...]
Natural Treatments Now Helping Women Stay UTI-Free
Our daily conversations with women across the US provide valuable information about the many ways in which women of all ages are benefiting from new natural alternatives to antibiotics for UTIs. Older Women Across [...]
D-Mannose Now Eliminates New Types of Bacteria
Many women and men ask if D-Mannose can help with other types of infections besides E Coli. The recent answer from the medical community is “Yes”. Types of UTI Bacteria First, here is a [...]
Stubborn UTIs Caused By Biofilms And How To Stop Them
Let's discuss effective UTI treatment without antibiotics. A woman posted the following plea online the other day: “I’ve had UTI’s since 1968 and I am desperate. I can no longer take any antibiotic because [...]
Two Simple Words To Beat UTIs: Clear and Protect
The Facts About Urinary Tract Infections Today Fact: E. coli bacteria are the most common cause of urinary tract infections (UTIs), representing over 85% of all infections. Fact: Antibiotics are [...]
What Foods Should You Eat With a UTI?
An Effective UTI Diet Plan It’s been difficult to determine what foods are good to eat when you have a urinary tract infection and what foods to avoid. It’s not that simple. Here are [...]
How Do You Get a Urinary Tract Infection?
Typically, you get these types of infections when bacteria that live in the vagina, genital, and anal areas enter the urethra and begin to travel and multiply in the bladder causing an infection. The [...]
An All-Natural Treatment For Children with UTIs
Mary Poppins once sang, “Just a Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down”. Now there is a new all-natural "healthy sugar" alternative to antibiotics for dealing with urinary tract infections (UTIs) in kids. [...]
The Doctor’s Latest Secret Weapon Against UTIs – D-Mannose
One of my friends went to her urologist and was surprised to hear that he recommended something new to relieve her urinary tract infection (UTI): a natural supplement called D-Mannose. Hundreds of women across [...]
Finally – Proof That Cranberry Prevents UTIs
Cranberry, The Common Home UTI Remedy, Is Now Backed by REAL Science. For decades the scientists have been conducting research into cranberry as an alternative for antibiotics for UTI treatment. Women claimed that it [...]
News Flash: Half of All Women Are Given the Wrong Antibiotic
US News reported on a new study of private insurance claims data in March 2021 which found that 47% of women were prescribed antibiotics that were outside recommended guidelines, and 76% were prescribed those [...]
The History Behind Recurring UTI Treatments
If you suffer with recurring UTIs, you probably find yourself asking “how did people deal with this horrible pain in the ‘olden days’”? The answer is that they may have gotten some temporary relief [...]
Chronic UTI? Don’t Get Mad, Get Better…
A friend was so frustrated the other day that she was almost screaming across the table in the restaurant. She said she is fed up with her doctor because he thinks that her UTI [...]
Thousands of Chronic UTI Sufferers Offer New Insights and Hope
The World of Chronic UTI Sufferers - 15 Million Women and Growing An estimated 49 million women had a UTI in the past year and over 15 million (33%) are suffering from chronic urinary [...]
A Fast, Simple Way To Confirm A UTI
Do I Have A UTI? When you wake up in the middle of the night with pelvic pain, a burning sensation and/or pressure to urinate, your heart sinks because you're pretty sure that it's [...]
Finally, A Natural Solution for Chronic UTIs
Good News for Chronic UTI Sufferers (and Doctors): A Natural Solution for Biofilms If you’ve had 3+ urinary tract infections within the past year, then you are officially known as a chronic UTI sufferer [...]
D-Mannose – Is It Safe for Diabetics?
There's plenty of evidence that a high-sugar diet can come with some very damaging health risks. Too much sugar has been linked to increased risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, reduced "good" cholesterol, [...]
What to Eat and Drink In Order To Manage UTIs
Newest Thinking On What to Eat and Drink In Order to Manage UTIs There’s so much contradictory information out there…how can I make an intelligent decision? Is there a diet for managing UTIs? [...]
STOP Relying on Antibiotics to Treat Urinary Tract Infections.
Antibiotic overuse is driving the antibiotic resistance health crisis. It is time to take a different approach to UTI treatment. The time has come to put a stop to the medical practice of "Antibiotic [...]
What vitamins are good for a urinary tract infection or a bladder infection?
What vitamins are good for urinary tract infections? The classic treatment of antibiotics may not be needed. But Lately, Antibiotics Are Not Working So Well… In a recent survey conducted among 800 women, one-third [...]
The Antibiotics Resistance Crisis Is Causing a Rise in Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
The UTI Antibiotics “Bounce Back” Is Causing Women To Live With A Vicious UTI Cycle You were really good about following doctor’s orders and taking the antibiotic for your UTI as prescribed. After about [...]
UTIs Affect Men And Prostate is a Primary Cause
Older Men Are At Higher Risk of Getting a UTI UTIs in men are more common with older age. One reason is that older men are more likely to develop noncancerous enlargement of their [...]
What Causes Urinary Tract Infections in Pets?
UTIs are most common in female dogs and cats. Believe it or not, our furry friends get UTI’s too. And the reasons that they get them, how they are diagnosed and the treatment options are pretty [...]
Urinary Tract Infections: Frequently Asked Questions
What Is a UTI? A urinary tract infection, commonly shortened to UTI, is an infection caused by bacteria finding their way into the urinary tract through the urethra. While many times your body can remove [...]
Is It A Chronic UTI or Something Else?
Many women are frustrated that they can’t get relief from ongoing urinary tract infection symptoms. Getting to the root cause of the symptoms is the first step. A research study conducted in May 2020 [...]
Myths and Facts About UTIs
Myths about Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) There are a number of myths about UTIs (urinary tract infections) that continue to persist, which is why we will address some of the common ones in today’s [...]
1 In 5 UTIs Caused By Summertime Fun
Wet bathing suits and public pools can ruin your Summer with another UTI. As we head toward the summer season and temperatures across the US reach 80˚, the cases of urinary tract infections increase [...]