Understanding Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are becoming increasingly complex to diagnose and treat due to evolving bacteria. Today, we will discuss the six stages of urinary tract infections.

The First Three Stages Can Be Managed With Natural Supplements

The first three stages of UTIs—Simple, Chronic, and Stubborn—are typically caused by two common bacteria: E. Coli and Klebsiella, which represent 74% of all infections.

Traditionally, antibiotics have been the treatment for these stages. However, over 40% of patients experienced recurrent UTIs within a month of taking antibiotics, prompting the medical community to search for alternatives.

D-Mannose powder, cranberry extract capsules, and an apple cider vinegar formula are now recommended as safe and effective natural supplements for Stage 1-3 UTIs.


Learn About Goodbye UTI

The Last Three Stages Still Require A Doctor’s Care

The last three stages of UTIs—Complex, Serious, and Complicated—currently have no identified natural treatments.

Complex UTIs, also known as Interstitial Cystitis, are particularly baffling to doctors and scientists. Although testing shows no bacteria, patients experience severe UTI-like symptoms.

Serious and Complicated infections generally require IV antibiotics from the last-resort carbapenem category of drugs. Scientific and research experts are actively seeking effective, new, and ideally natural treatments for these stages.

ESBL E. Coli Is A Stage 5 Serious UTI Threat – And Growing

A particularly concerning bacteria is ESBL E. Coli, which causes Serious UTIs. Reports indicate that this infection is rapidly growing. There are numerous stories about patients who were initially diagnosed with a simple Stage 1 E. Coli infection, which persisted despite several rounds of antibiotics. A more expensive urine culture often reveals the presence of this highly resistant form of E. Coli.

ESBL stands for extended spectrum beta-lactamase, an enzyme found in some strains of bacteria that breaks down and destroys commonly used antibiotics.

These infections most commonly occur in people with healthcare exposure, including those in hospitals and nursing homes. They spread through an infected person’s bodily fluids or contaminated hands and surfaces. However, ESBL E. Coli can also infect otherwise healthy individuals who have not recently been in healthcare settings.

Read more about ESBL’s here.