Antibiotics Resistance Has Now Become A Crisis

Antibiotics are becoming less effective in treating UTIs, a fact you probably know by now. Previously, one course of antibiotics taken over a week would stop these infections forever. However, this is no longer the case.

Consequently, approximately 40% of patients who receive treatment for a UTI return to the doctor’s office within a month with the same symptoms. This trend is causing doctors considerable frustration because the bacteria have learned to outsmart the drugs. Both the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and the WHO (World Health Organization) are sounding alarm bells about what is now known as the “Antibiotics Resistance Crisis.”

To understand which antibiotics are still effective and which are not, you first need to know what types of bacteria cause UTIs. Then you can learn which medications are most effective in treating them.

The Types of  UTI Bacteria

Two types of bacteria cause urinary tract infections: gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria account for 80% of all UTIs, while gram-positive bacteria account for 20%.

E. Coli and Klebsiella (highlighted in aqua) are the most common bacteria, representing 74% of all infections. Treating the remaining 26% of bacteria is very difficult and may require intravenous antibiotics at a doctor’s office or hospital.

Only A Few Antibiotics Will Help A Typical UTI Today

Now you know that the most common cause of a UTI is E. Coli bacteria. The graph below shows which antibiotics still work against this type of infection. As illustrated, only a few drugs (on the left side) will still stop E. Coli, and many of these are administered via an IV in the hospital.

The two oral antibiotics which are most effective today are Macrobid (Nitrofurantoin) and Monurol (Fosfomycin). In contrast, those which are least effective are Bactrim (Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim), Cipro (Ciprofloxacin), and Keflex (Cephalexin).

Natural Supplements Now Proven As Effective Alternative To Antibiotics

Given the high rate of antibiotics resistance, doctors are now turning to D-Mannose and cranberry extract as alternatives for their patients with E. Coli and Klebsiella infections.

D-Mannose, a powder extracted from fruits, naturally attracts bacteria. The strands of the bacteria cling to the D-Mannose molecules and are flushed out of the bladder with the urine. Cranberry extract in capsule form works differently by lining the bladder with a slippery surface so that the bacteria cannot stick and cause a new infection.

This approach is found to be the best long-term defense against recurring UTIs. Both natural supplements have recently been proven to be as effective as antibiotics, without the negative side effects

Click here to read articles which have been recently published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on both supplements.


Learn About Goodbye UTI